Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's me, Michael

Here goes nothing!  On the advice of those that love me I have taken to blogging, or at least attempting and this is my first go at that attempt!  Never one short on words, topics or opinions I have been instructed to take it to the web, if nothing more than to spare those that normally have to hear me babble!

My name is Michael, I'm 38 and the mother to two children that are of course the most perfect, gorgeous and intelligent beings God ever created (gag), Amber and Colton.  I felt obligated to say those things because of course if they ever show an interest in anything I do their sensitive little hearts would break in two if they ever thought my opinions were less. 

My husband is my main man, the guy I love the most and get along with some of the times!  We have been skipping through this thing called life together since we were 15 yrs old (wholly guacamole!!) and married for 19 yrs.  Every "normal" household has to have a dog right?  Well we have three!  Nice..nothing like a furry floor and hairy meal.  Cooper James is my saving grace and best poopie friend, he is a black lab, my husband has the crazy Boston Terrier, Cricket, that everyone pretends to like when they visit.  Our newest addition is a miniature Dachshund and she is perfect (because she's new and a puppy)!

I'm cheap, I love to save money, I love to thrift, I love a good sale, I love to eBay,  I love God and family....I am a mom named Michael

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