Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I made it out of the closet....ALIVE!

Nothing like logging into Facebook and seeing that your local police have confirmed a tornado on the ground less than half a mile from your home, yep that is how my morning started.  Before the storm approached my husband had told me to go outside and lay in the bottom of the dry creek bed and my mother's call was full of recommendations like putting my son's football helmet on before I climbed in the tub and put a mattress over me.  The suggestions were thoughtful but pushed to the wayside because "it would probably blow over anyway".  Wrong.

Hurricanes I am prepared for, tornadoes not so much.  The storm was scary, but the death trap I found myself climbing into was far more scary than the unseen funnel cloud roaring outside!  I had entered a 13 yr old son's closet.  I won't lie and pretend that I didn't know it was mess but trust you me I had no clue such a small confined place could hold so much cruff (crap and stuff).  Throwing things out, I made my way to the back of the closet and perched myself on a Rubbermaid container full of who knows what, clothes hanging in my face, things under my rear and my feet atop of that football helmet I just couldn't bring myself to put on.  As I sat in my little teen cave I imagined the ideas I could find on pinterest to organize this black hole and I also wondered if the pillow I had grabbed from the top of the closet had been washed since his days of napping in kindergarten, then I began to question my own cleanliness and if I had passed down a gene that others saw in me but I didn't see in myself.  Nah, that thought fluttered away just as fast as it had fluttered in!

After my all's clear call I emerged from my cavern and went about my day, waiting on my "angel" boy to come home from school and help me clean his closet.  It's amazing all of the things "he never knew he had", "had been looking for" or "had forgotten about".  You think?   Wish I had that problem, I mean, who has shoes they had forgotten about and backpacks that have never been used?  I think I'm a little jealous, it was almost like a shopping trip to the mall for him.  Nothing like being rewarded with "new stuff" for being a slob.

All's well that ends well I guess, the closet is clean, we have a box full of garage sale items, the son has cool new cruff he didn't know he had and I am out of the closet!

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